Thursday, January 7, 2010

Well That Was Quick!

Sooo there has been a slight change of plans. =) We found out that my Dad will be released from the hospital early next week. And he will need to stay in Rochester for 2 to 3 weeks for appts and in case anything happens. But after that he will be able to go home!!!!!!! There will be no transplant house, just home. =) This is such wonderful news and I am still in shock of it all.

My Dad looks so good! You would have never known that he just had a liver transplant 2 days ago. And lets not forget the fabulousness that is Ginger! She is amazing and she looks amazing.


Well they've moved on to solids! =) Another great start to the day. Both are looking great and are in great spirits.

Please take the time to check out my Dad's Caring Bridge website. Julie posted a beautiful picture of Ginger and my Dad. It's the picture of them seeing each other for the first time.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today has not been what I thought it would be. I thought my Dad and Ginger would sleep on and off all day, building their strength. But boy oh boy was I wrong!

I was sitting in the waiting room at around 11am and all of the sudden I hear Heidi's voice. "Ginger's coming! She's switching rooms!" I peek around the corner and see the most beautiful woman being wheeled by. It's Ginger! And she's not even being wheeled in her bed, she's in a wheel chair. Wow! We all walked with her to her new room, out of ICU. Huge.

Again I found myself sitting in the waiting room. I had only been there for about 5 minutes. All of the sudden I hear Heidi's voice agian, "They're moving Dad too!". I jumped out of my chair, turned the corner. I was totally expecting to see my Dad being wheeled by bed. But nope! Not that strong brave Father of mine. He was in a wheel chair. With a big ol smile on his face. Which is, may I say, the most beautiful smile. So again we all walked together, to his new room, out of ICU. Amazing.

After these two huge events I figured that they would both be pretty tired and need naps. So I left with Heidi and Taylor. Sent them off, as they had to go home. I just got finished having lunch and was waiting for the shuttle to bring me back to The Mayo. I received a picture from Julie on my phone. It was a picture of my Dad standing, yes I said standing, beside Ginger's bed. She was sitting up and his hand was placed on her cheek. Truly breathtakingly beautiful. I wasn't even sad I missed it. Because I could feel the emotion through that picture.

This has all been a miracle. My goodness, it hasn't even been 24 hours!


Good Morning! Things are calm here. Both are exhausted and getting rest. I think today will be filled with quick in and out visits. My Dad and Ginger both need their rest and I don't want to be the one disturbing them. Especially since they have Nurses and Doctors coming in and out waking them each time.

Not much to say..........sorry. It's all still a little overwhelming. So for now I will just be updating on the main details. =)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ice Cold Bud Light

Awwwwwww..........................Everything went so well. Both are resting comfortably in their beds. It's very comforting and peaceful. I've gotten to speak with both my Dad and my Aunt Ginger. My Dad is already cracking jokes. The Nurse asked if he needed anything and his response was, "An ice cold Bud Light" Ha! Perfect.

This has been such an amazing day. Thank you all for you wonderful thoughts and prayers. We all felt them.


The surgery is done! My Dad is doing great. We won't see him yet, but soon. My Dad is good and so is Ginger. This is a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Blood is Flowing!

The blood is flowing throughout my Dad's new liver!!!!!!! They are connecting the bile duct now. He will be in surgery for about another 3 hours.

Ginger's room has been assigned and they are most likely just waiting for her to wake up and then they will move her. Soo excited to see her! The woman is a SAINT!